“The undersigned former General Managers of KDVS 90.3 FM have read the April 2, 2021 UC Davis announcement of its plan to drastically downsize the radio station by relocating it into a 1,000 sq. ft. room. This plan will be extremely harmful to the function of the radio station, its historic and ongoing mission, and the wider community KDVS serves. No deadline that would require such a precipitous and highly unfortunate move has been identified. The University’s current plan will permanently change KDVS to its detriment. We urge the University to abandon its disastrous plan, a remnant of a 2015 initiative by former Chancellor Katehi, and work further in good faith with the expert KDVS relocation group that it originally convened to find a better solution. Please reconsider.”
Signed by more than 30 former GMs 1969 – 2019
Latest Updates
- Current ArticleA new article about our efforts in Current, a nonprofit news organization covering public media in the U.S.
- Differences in Estimates of Space AllocationSave KDVS has made two independent estimates of the number of items in the KDVS Library and our estimates differ significantly from the figures cited in the current proposal.
- Radio Station Complex Relocation Should Not Take Place During FCC RelicensingComplex relocations should never take place in a relicensing year. The move to a new location should be delayed, allowing KDVS to examine better site options.
- Sacramento News & Review Article“Plan to downsize beloved U.C. Davis radio station, demolish historic building, was hatched by the administration of Linda Katehi” “As generations of alumni try to keep KDVS FM intact, they’re battling a proposal that started with the controversial college leader who many would rather forget.” Read more at https://sacramento.newsreview.com/
KDVS is the Sacramento area’s 13,000-watt student/community-run freeform radio station operating from UC Davis campus since the late 1960’s. Even now, during the COVID-19 epidemic, the station continues live programming, in order to foster cultural expression and to serve northern California and beyond.
KDVS has occupied offices in Lower Freeborn Hall for the last 54 years. Freeborn Hall is a historic auditorium on the UC Davis campus. It was identified as needing seismic upgrade in the early 2010’s. UC Davis spent four years accruing stakeholder input on Freeborn for a seismic retrofit and refurbishment. This culminated in a report by BAR Architects that proposed a complete renovation, and found Freeborn Hall architecturally redeeming.
As the result of undisclosed discussions at the former chancellor’s office, it was abruptly and unilaterally decided to systematically remove the student auditorium and student activities for higher profile non-student projects. Although KDVS was continually promised a proper relocation, the campus decided that among the billions of dollars in planned projects, KDVS and other student units were not a priority.
Between 2018-2021 the university attempted to find a vacant space on campus to relocate KDVS as Freeborn was earmarked for demolition. The decision was announced April 2nd to downsize KDVS into a computer room on campus. Continue reading more about the situation here.
NEW – KDVS Space Assessment
NEW – Saving Lower Freeborn / Public Records Act Findings Regarding Freeborn

“I got my degree at UC Davis, but I got my real education at KDVS, a combination of the phenomenal music library and the station’s large, diverse community. My experience at KDVS involved talking with and learning from people from all walks of life, all ages, backgrounds and a wide variety of musical experiences. This education set me on the path to owning Folk Arts Rare Records in San Diego, one of California’s oldest & most unique record stores. I am forever indebted to the education I received at KDVS. It sowed the seed for a lifetime of learning.”
Brendan Boyle Folk Arts Rare Records